The Art of Business and the Business of Art
This newsletter is an effort to bring value and offer new innovative ways creativity adds value to your business and life. After working 35 years in the marketing, creative, leadership and innovation business, I can assure you, I have a few best practices and lessons learned that I will safely share with you. I will also include personal updates on new paintings, events and opportunities to grow your own creative skills and marketing ability.
The summer had been a busy time. September was especially challenging in that I committed to produce a painting a day for the entire 30 days. This challenge paid off in a big way, not just in sales, but mainly in experience. What was learned during these 30 days will now be carried forward adding to every future project. I highly recommend a 30 day challenge in any area you want to see improvement and serious growth.
Click here to see my September results:
October 10th brought two families together on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. Emilie Puttrich, our oldest daughter, and Jonathan Hertel shared wedding vows on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Proud moment for this dad. I couldn't be happier for these two. Marking, one down, two to go. In December and March, John and Amanda, our two other children, are also getting married. Phew!
On Teaching: I'm enjoying leading watercolor workshops and will do so more formally in January / February at the Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Art. If you're looking for a fun and enjoyable way to improve your creative skills, stay tuned for a sign up link.
“Great art picks up where nature ends.”
~ Marc Chagall
"Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I shall attack."
~ Ferdinand Foch
"Be grateful for everything and entitled to nothing."
~ Jack Clark Fmr Head Coach of U.S. Rugby
The Power of Creativity
A strong painting speaks volumes, more than any photo can communicate. As the designer and artist in all of us, we owe it to our clients to connect beyond just the visual, we must aim to connect the heart.
In my 3.5 decades working in the creativity business, I've seen first hand how creativity is used to build common ground for better understanding of complex designs and challenging projects. By using attributes of beauty, uniqueness and story, deep connections can be made, compelling the heart to connect even deeper. Never underestimate the value creativity brings to your projects. Never miss an opportunity to improve your project's story with creativity.
A few weeks ago I attended a paid marketing focus group. The client, a major shipping company I'll just call FX, did a good job of collecting a diverse set of individuals. Among my fellow panelists were three other creative types, all by chance sitting on one side of the table, and four others I'll call less aware folks, on the other side of the table. The moderator had her hands full instilling curiosity and awareness from this lesser engaged group. The creatives, on the other side of the table, offered freely our feelings and deep concerns about what was right and what was wrong with FX's marketing message. The creatives fed off each other's energy and engagement. We knew the value we could add and made great suggestions and recommendations to improve FX's marketing message. I did walk away with a few best practices.
Best practices
1. The one attribute creatives bring is a curiosity to know why. Businesses full of curious creative minds are far better equipped to thrive, not to just survive.
2. If you're paying for creatives already, engage them and use them. The value they bring is priceless.
3. If you don't have one, get a creative or two on your team and ask for their viewpoints and perspective. That diversity and inclusion is like kerosene on smoldering embers.
4. Awareness and reflection are two more attributes most creatives possess. Foster and grow these skills in yourself and your team and solutions will show up.
Most artists see the difficulty in each scene. Few artists see the scene filled with opportunity for connection.
Be counted among the few.
Finish well!
Title: Rocky Mountain Courage
Medium Oil, Size 12"x16"
Rocky Mountain National Park is filled with little corners where light plays the lead character. It’s where, in this sanctuary, Story reveals her true beauty. I was intrigued by the courage of these young trees choosing to take root away from the safety of the shadows, and yet thriving in the open elements, where sunshine is strong and the inclusion of its neighbors, the boulders, offers support for strong growth. Life always finds a way.
Status: Currently Available
Thanks for reading.
Steve Puttrich
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